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Ser propietario de casa como una inversión: El papel de la apreciación de los precios

Ser propietario de casa como una inversión: El papel de la apreciación de los precios

Recientemente publicamos en cuanto a los resultados de la última encuesta de las expectativas de los precios de las casas (Home Price Expectation Survey -HPES por sus siglas en inglés) mostrando hacia dónde se dirigen los precios residenciales durante los próximos cinco años. Hoy, queremos mostrarle lo que los resultados del informe pueden significar para usted.

A good portion of every family’s wealth comes from the equity in the home they live in. As the value of their home (an asset) increases so does their equity. Let’s look at a possible case scenario based on the latest HPES.

Here is a chart showing the survey’s projections on annual appreciation over the next five years:

Projected Mean Appreciation | Simplifying The Market

We then looked at the five-year impact this would have on the equity of a family that purchased a home in January for $250,000:

Home Price Appreciation | Simplifying The Market

Their family wealth (based on increased equity) would increase by $47,772 over those five years.

Bottom Line

If you don’t yet own, perhaps you should be thinking about purchasing. If you already own, maybe it’s time to move up to enjoy your dream home and also ride the increase in equity of the larger asset.

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