How to Shift Your Marketing to Get Listings in Today’s Market

If you really want to succeed in today’s market, there’s one big piece you may be missing in your strategy: branding yourself as the market expert. Time and time again, many agents focus on branding themselves as a utility rather than a trusted advisor.

But in times of uncertainty, your clients need more. They need answers that cut through the confusion and bring clarity to what’s really happening in real estate.

Your brand should reflect this. You can do the paperwork while also being a reliable source as someone who knows what’s happening in the market. You’re trustworthy. Dependable. Highly recommended.

Why? Because that’s exactly the kind of professional today’s buyers and sellers need right now.

So, how exactly do you do this? We’re glad you asked.

Great Content = Market Expert

In this article we’ll walk you through several examples, giving you specific topics you could cover and ways you can use insight-powered content in different areas of your marketing efforts.

As you go through the examples, remember that the overall goal of content marketing is to answer your prospects’ and clients’ questions with useful information.

The biggest questions they need answered right now are:

  • What’s going to happen to the real estate market?
  • What will happen with mortgage rates?
  • Is now a good time to buy?
  • Is now a good time to sell?
  • Is real estate still a good investment?

Your job is to find the best way to answer those questions. Let’s dive in.

Social Media

Social media is one of the fastest growing marketing tools at your disposal, and knowing how to use it effectively to drive your business is pivotal.

One best practice is to share quick-hitting, visual content that sparks conversation and helps answer questions consumers have.

The key to success is consistently posting this content in order to keep your clients in the loop on the latest insights.

Tips & Tricks for Using Content on Social Media:

  • Post at least 3-5 days a week on your platforms
  • Stick to real estate topics
  • Share powerful visuals
  • Make market update videos
  • Fill your captions with useful information
  • Ask questions to engage your audience in conversation
Email Marketing

We all know we should stay in touch with our clients to keep those relationships strong.

But other than sending out our latest listings or wishing them a happy holiday, what else should we talk about in our email marketing?

Email is the perfect place to provide useful information or recent news that your clients will appreciate, making KCM blogs a great asset.

This is the marketing tool that’s best suited to let you act as a news source for your clients so they’ll know who to turn to when they’re ready to make a move.

Tips & Tricks for Using Content in Email Marketing:

  • Make every email useful and valuable
  • Be a news source
  • Use a clear subject line
  • Segment and target your audience
  • Customize your content to be relevant for the audience you’re targeting
  • Provide a strong call to action

Whatever you do, make sure you avoid making these common email mistakes that can turn away prospects.

Buyer & Seller Guides

Agents often make the mistake of filling their buyer or guides with information about themselves or their company’s accomplishments that they think will convince clients to work with them.

But what if instead, you put relevant, current information about the market that your prospective buyer or seller would find helpful?

Would they begin to see you as an agent who can help them before you’ve even walked in the door?

Tips & Tricks for Using Guides:

  • Put yourself in the buyer or sellers’ shoes
  • Address any topics they’ve previously brought up to you
  • Make sure they answer the top questions right now
  • Make it personal
  • Use simple, powerful visuals

Grab our Spring 2024 Buyer & Seller Guides so you have all the resources you need to win listings this season. Professionally designed and packed with the latest insights, this pack will give your consumers the education they need to understand if it’s the right time to sell a home. 


Video is one of, if not the, most useful way to get important information out to your sphere fast.

And the truth is, most people prefer to consume information this way today.

If you’re not using video in your marketing strategy, you’re missing one of the biggest opportunities you have to educate while also entertaining your audience.

So, every week, try and create one market update video that covers some of the biggest questions you’re getting from buyers or sellers.

Here’s a simple way on how to do it:

  • Pick a topic
  • Find an article from a trustworthy source that covers that topic
  • Piece together a script using information from it
  • Record yourself reciting the script
  • Share through email, social media, text, etc.

Or you can try RealTalk by KCM™, the first all-in-one video creator for agents. Each week, you’ll get a new script covering one of the hottest topics in the housing market. Then, with our built-in teleprompter, you can easily record and share that video out to your sphere.

Presentation Materials

It’s not only important to use content in your social media and email marketing, but also vital that you use it in every face-to-face presentation and conversation you have.

Studies show that we process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

If you think sellers should lower the price on their house, you’ll have much more success if you show them why instead of telling them why.

Using strong visual content to establish yourself as a market expert will set you apart from other agents and all but guarantee you seal the deal.

Tips & Tricks for Using Content in Presentation Materials:

  • Use powerful visuals to connect the dots
  • Show rather than tell as often as possible
  • Focus on answering your clients’ or prospects’ questions more than telling them about yourself
  • Bring both national and local market information
  • Print materials or use a tablet or other screen depending on the client
  • Pair your listing presentation with other tools like a Professional Equity Assessment Report
Open Houses

Every agent wants to build relationships with people who attend their open house.

But the reality is, it can be difficult to quickly establish rapport and build enough trust that they’re open to working with you in the future.

Sharing quality content consumers can easily understand will show them that you are the expert they need to help them through the buying or selling process.

After they leave, you can follow up with even more valuable information via email or another channel.

This way, when they’re ready to buy or sell later, they will remember you.

Tips & Tricks for Using Content in Open Houses:

  • Put a Buyer Guide out as a great takeaway for foot traffic
  • Ask buyers about specific pieces of content that you shared
  • Ask buyers what other questions about the market you can answer
  • Provide helpful charts/graphs during conversations
  • Keep your content updated and fresh
  • Follow up with useful information via email
Bottom Line

In times of uncertainty, people turn to the person that stands as the voice of reason. You can be that voice your local market needs right now.

Think about it: you get to be the expert. If you build it out right, everything is an interlinking puzzle that always directs back to you. It’s the ultimate soft marketing strategy without ever feeling salesy or pushy.

If it seems like a lot, we get it. But with the right tools, you can be the agent your buyers and sellers need right now.

Because that’s what you really need right now. The resources and the insights to stand out as the expert in your market.

Get personalized versions of the insight-packed content you need to get business this spring. Learn more.